Thesis Blog Post 3

Man, sure has been a while since I’ve posted one of these. Thesis has been going fine for the most part, at least I think because its hard to tell when you have twice as long to work on a film. I’ve really just been working on modeling, texturing, lighting and render tests for the past 2 weeks so its been sort of a slow and steady work pace. Haven’t touched the animatic since animatic night but I do have a pretty solidified version of the story I’m looking to animate. I really should get the final design for the bakery down this week. I have a hard time making decisions and how the film should look so I feel like I have gotten a whole lot of productive done but its just part of the process I guess.

I think the main issue I’m having with this film is just a general lack of inspiration and motivation. Yes, I know its a graduation requirement and It’s a great thing to put in a reel to get a job but this film is pretty much all I work on every day and it does get pretty tedious. I like the concept and I’m excited to start animating it I guess but in general I’m just lacking the passion I thought I would have working on this thesis.

I have no idea what the knight’s progress is, I haven’t touched him since last weekend. I’m awful at designing so I still don’t have a concrete design in mind. Worst case scenario I can just put armor on a pre rig but I’d rather have at least one character I can say I made myself, you know. I think besides general production stuff this week’s goal is to find some motivation because I’m really not looking forward to all these tasks ahead.